Seasoned Firewood

"Split, Cut, And Ready To Go"
We sell firewood by the Face Cord, (4'x8' single-stack with 16" pieces), basically a full-sized pickup truckload. We have Seasoned-Oak for indoor use: $200 a Half Face Cord and $350 a Face Cord. And we have Mixed-Hardwoods for outdoor use: $250 a Face Cord. 

There is a $35 Delivery Fee if you are within 10 miles of our log yard at the intersection of Stoney Hill & Highway 98 - [Google Maps]. 

Stacking is $30 a Face Cord and Wheel-Barrowing is $30 a Face Cord.

Place an Order

Please send us a text message to 919-604-7253 for the Quickest Response!

Pickup by Appointment Only!

Closed Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas